Approval of Sites Where Educational Activity Occurs (Off-Campus Sites) | Commission on Dental Accreditation

Approval of Sites Where Educational Activity Occurs (Off-Campus Sites)

The Commission on Dental Accreditation recognizes that students/residents may gain educational experiences in a variety of settings and locations. An accredited program may use one or more than one setting or location to support student/resident learning and meet Commission on Dental Accreditation standards and/or program requirements. The Commission expects programs to follow the EOPP guidelines and accreditation standards when developing, implementing and monitoring activity sites used to provide educational experiences.

The Commission on Dental Accreditation must be informed when a program accredited by the Commission plans to initiate educational experiences in new settings and locations. Additionally, changes to educational activity sites that impact the use of the site (e.g. minor to major site, or termination of enrollment at or discontinued use of major site) must be reported. To assist programs in reporting the addition of off-campus sites where educational activity occurs, guidelines have been developed.

Guidelines for Reporting and Approval of Sites Where Educational Activity Occurs (DOCX)

Reporting Educational Activity Sites Flow Chart (PDF)