International Accreditation | Commission on Dental Accreditation

International Accreditation

The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) offers fee-based consultation and accreditation services to established international predoctoral dental education programs.

A preliminary review and consultation process is involved for international programs seeking accreditation. A CODA Standing Committee made up of representatives of the American Dental Association (ADA) and CODA determines whether the program’s educational model has the potential to prepare graduates with competencies consistent with requirements for practice in the U.S.

Once an international program has successfully completed the preliminary steps, the CODA Standing Committee can recommend that the program pursue accreditation through CODA. Both the Standing Committee and CODA have adopted the policy that international programs will be evaluated and must comply with the same standards as all U.S. programs.

Please direct questions to the Office of the CODA Director.

International Policies, Procedures and Fees (PDF)